life is super unpredictable..

u never know what will happen..
without warning..
and at your most vulnerable..
you lost ____...

these few days...
i learnt...

really, really, shouldnt take things for granted.

to appreciate all the kindness...
no matter from friends, families or ur loved ones.

dont wait till you lose them..

my family,
FAMILY LOVE can never, never, be replaced.
it is this kind of love that nurtured to whom i become now.
the basis of all love in our life,
is from the Family.
the BIG LOVE from Dad & MUm..
sacrificing and trying all their very best to give us the best in life.
watch us grow up.
and now,
will be my turn to take care of them.

DD boyfriend.. i love you so much. i know whatever your decision, a big part of it is made because of me. ur love, ur care, is irreplaceable by anyone. you are the best boyfriend that i can ever get. much, much, loves..

they are the colours of my life.
made all stages of my life so colourful.
so full of events and adventures.

all of you out there..
cherish what you have..
think of all the things that you have taken for granted..
your family, your friends.. and your loved ones.
do not take everything that they do as what they SHOULD DO.

show your love to them.
dont hesitate to love them.

cherish them.


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