my goodness..
i cant believe this is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY happening...
like what Kojima-san said to me..
it doesnt seem that i am leaving yet..
but i am...
in another 30 mins time will be my official time to end everything in Celeste.
so depressing...
contradicting is...
i see my holiday!!
1 full month of holiday...
till 1st July..
Goodbye to bosses..
Goodbye to my dearest department..
Goodbye to my best girlfriends - FangFang, Doreen, Serene & Clara (NOT in popularity order ok!)..
Goodbye and thanks to KBL who even wanted to treat me today's lunch!
Goodbye to my desk..
Goodbye to my PC.. my keyboard.. my monitor with speakers that brought music to my ear when i was working..
Goodbye to everything else...
will miss...


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