My RIDE!!!

yes yes yes!!!!
i got my car already!
my ride!!
my own ride!!
TOYOTA VIOS it is and her name will be Xiaoxue. hahah!!
rushed really quickly to Kulai after work last night.
met Ah Liew on the way as he waited a bit for me at the highway.
then we went to his house together so that i can drop Laohei there.
then Ah Yin came to pick me and Ah Liew then we went to the office to get my CAR!!

there it is!! my car!! my RIDE!! whatever you call it.. its MINE!
car plate is a bit unexpectedly small but was ok for me because thats what i wanted. i wanted the numbers printed.
car seats and all still wrapped in plastic. =P

simply love the car plate.
some said the numbers/letters still could be smaller but this was ok for me already.
think ah liew wants something even smaller than this on his car.
im happy with this!!
the VIOS & E wordings were also removed.

i love this picture. Ah yin did a great job!
my car my car my car my car!!

changed rims & tyre before car was delivered to me.

chose this rim together with ah Liew.

believe he would do the same on his cars.



loves this rim so much!

which was why i decided to get the same for MY CAR (now i can say my CAR! haha).

although just different colour from the one Laohei had.



ah yin also said this rim nice.



wah... i really like her more and more and more and more...



I OWN HER!! hahahaha...



how come i didnt realise that VIOS is actually quite a beautiful car!!



removing the plastic wrappings!! woohoo!!. yay!!



READY TO GO!!! woohohoooooo!



met up with Kulai Gang later in the night for lim teh.

then see see look look my car a bit then it was time to head home.



was already late by the time i reached home. about 12.30am already.

then silly and blur me!

everything i pack but i forgot to take my stupid house keys!!

left it inside Laohei.



Gong did say he wanted to send it to me.

but i would just be waiting there doing nothing.

so i thought i could just drive to Kulai since i could get familiar with the car too.

really not used to driving a bigger car and auto car.




so by the time i reach home after making another trip to Kulai was already 1.30am.



by the time i lie on my bed... 2am...





but still HAPPY GIRL I AM!!



going Ipoh tonight...



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