
Showing posts from 2010

15-16 Nov 2010, Melbourne Day 1

LOL. yes i am taking my own sweet time to update my stupid blog. wahahaha. i am still back in my Melbourne Trip. Stone. =P . . . nyway, Peir was the very nice ex-boyfriend guy who sent me to take the Changi Airport bus service from Kotaraya. . made a special trip to fetch me from my house and sent me to the bus station. i actually did a special request to ask him to send me to the airport la but he REFUSED.. (haha.. i have no right to ask him to do so anyway.. hee)... he so afraid to drive to Singapore already because he always had to do so to fetch his Fiance in and out of Singapore as Wendy stays in Singapore too. . alright, i can understand that and he is indeed very kind to agree to send me to the bus station there already as he does not have to do so. =) . . on the bus at Kotaraya. . i was the only passenger from Kotaraya. more people joined me when we were at Malaysia custom. . the bus was allowed to stop at a few bus stops within its route to the airport and more people joined ...